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Dr. Zabrecky & Dr. Hewitt Interview
Zabrecky Institute of Biomedicine physicians discuss homeostasis, biomedicine and the body's ability to heal.
Published on Jan 20, 2017
Dr. Zabrecky Discusses Autism
Inflammation and diminished blood flow to the brain in autistic children.
Uploaded on Sep 2, 2009
Dr. Zabrecky takes a Critical Look at Peptides
Dr. George Zabrecky of Life Extension Center discusses peptides.
Uploaded on Sep 2, 2009
Dr. George Zabrecky Discusses Autoimmune Disease
Dr. George Zabrecky of Life Extension Center discusses Autoimmune Disease. Drugs purport to help symptoms, but may not be addressing the causes.
Uploaded on Sep 2, 2009
Dr. Zabrecky takes a Critical Look at the Importance of the Homeostatic State in the Body
Dr. George Zabrecky of Life Extension Center discusses the health of the body and the importance of the homeostatic state of the human body. You can not force the body to recover; you can support the natural system to stimulate recovery.
Uploaded on Sep 2, 2009
Introduction To The Zabrecky Institute
The Institute's guiding principle is to identify those factors which create or contribute to the inflammation and mitigate and/or treat those factors to return the body to a balanced state of homeostasis.